aWS Litesale WHM & CPANEL Email Account Creation to Activation

you can manage email addresses and email servers with your own website domain address using AWS LiteSail instances and WH & CPANEL. Let’s see how to create an email account and email management server using AWS LiteSail instances and CPANEL & WHM.The steps below will show you how to create an AWS email account and create emails.

how to create and activate an AWS LiteSail WHM & CPANEL email account

Time needed: 30 minutes

how to create an AWS Litesale Instance WHM & CPANEL email account and register your server

  1. set up your domain and DNS records in AWS Litesale

    a record – – > set public ip
    MX record – > set priority 10, set record name next, set traffic routing
    txt record sets 3 things

    txt value / spf1 response key
    _dmarc. : dmarc response key
    efault._domainkey : dkim response key
    a 레코드 - - > public ip (공공아이피 설정) mx 레코드 - > 우선순위 10 으로 설정, 레코드이름 설정. 다음으로 트래픽 라우팅 설정 txt 레코드는 3가지를 설정합니다. txt 값 / spf1 응답키 설정 _dmarc. : dmarc 응답킵 설정 efault._domainkey : dkim 응답키

  2. open AWS ports 25, 465,587,2096

    if you don’t open port 2096, you won’t be able to access the webmail server itself from cpanel, and if you don’t open ports 25, 2465, 587, you won’t be able to receive and send emails.
    In the Lightsail console, go to the Networking tab.
    open the following additional ports:
    TCP 25 (SMTP)
    TCP 465 (SMTPS)
    TCP 587 (Submission)
    TCP 2096 (Webmail SSL)
    5.2. Check your IPv6 firewall rules
    If you are using IPv6, remove any duplicate rules and open the ports.

  3. connect to WHM and proceed with IMAP & POP 3 activation

    enter https://<Elastic_IP>:2087 or in a web browser and connect to WHM.
    home – > Service Configuration -> Mailserver Configuration and select IMAP, POP3 and proceed to activate IPv6.

  4. activate exim mail server and imap server from whm service manager

    go to whm service configuration – > service manager – > exim mail server & imap enabled and activate it.

  5. check DKIM and SPF & DMARC settings

    go to whm -> email -> email deliverabilliy settings and check the valid content.
    If it is not set to valid, set the txt record file in your aws light sail dns zone.whm -> email -> email deliverabilliy 설정 접속 후 valid 내용을 확인합니다. valid 로 설정되어 있지 않다면, aws light sail dns 존에서 txt 레코드 파일을 설정합니다.

  6. set up WHM email routing

    set up the email routing set by DNS in WHM. Go to WHM -> email routing, select a domain, click LOCAL MAIL EXCHANNER, and set TTL 14400, priority value is 10, and MX destination is 에서 dns 설정한 이메일 라우팅을 설정합니다. whm - > email routing 에서 도메인을 서택 한 후 local mail exchaner 클릭 후 ttl 14400, priority 값은 10 , mx destisation 은 을 설정합니다.

  7. installing an SSL certificate for a mail domain from CPANEL

    go to CPANEL -> SECURITY -> SSL/TLS STATUS and enter the domain address of the mail server to install the SSL certificate. and click RUN AUTO SSL to install the SSL certificate.
    cpanel -> security -> ssl/tls status 접속 후 메일 서버의 도메인 주소를 ssl 인증서 설치를 진행합니다. 클릭 후 run auto ssl 클릭 시 ssl 인증서가 설치 됩니다.

  8. cPANEL – > EMAIL ACCOUNT Create an account and log in.

    check the EMAIL account in CPANEL.
    The email address that is created by default when you create a CPANEL account is set to
    If you want to change the email address, you can create an email address according to your preference after clicking the CREATE button.
    You can create an email address such as

  9. request to unlock AWS email sending restrictions

    in the case of AWS Litesale, email sending is restricted. You will receive emails, but you need to request to unrestrict AWS Litesale separately to send them.

    You can request to unrestrict Litesale emails through the shortcut below.

    shortcutto Litesail Email Unrestriction Request

    After accessing the Litesail Email Unrestriction Request service, enter the email address you want to receive a response from, and write a description of your email use case.
    For IP information, enter the public ip address, which is the PUBLIC IP address of your Litesail instance.
    For reverse DNS record, enter the mail server domain address as, and click Submit.

  10. installing the clam av plug in for virus scanning

    when using a homepage server, incoming emails may contain viruses. please install the clam av plug in to prevent viruses.
    clam av plug in is installed by clicking whm -> plugin -> clam av install.
    After installing the plug in, go to whm -> service manager -> clam av daemon enabled , monitor checkbox and proceed with activation.

we’ve checked all the steps from creating an AWS LiteSail WHM & CPANEL email account to activating it. If you can’t receive or send emails even if you follow the steps above, please check your port configuration and DNS settings.

if you’re having trouble configuring your email server, submit a service request and we’ll set up your server for you for a small fee.

noteson CPANEL & WHM email setup

sometimes port 2096 is not open after installing an instance of AWS LiteSail. Please open port 2096 on your instance after installing LiteSail to enable WHM webmail login.

add port 2096 and ports 25, 465, and 587.

the 2096 port is a way to open the way to access the webmail server when you log in to When you create an AWS Litesale instance, the 2096 port is not created, so you need to open the 2096 port to sign up for email.

in DNS ZONE, check if the AWS domain and DNS zone CNAME , A records match with the WHM EMAIL DELIVERY tab, and if the VALID mark is checked, the DNS settings will proceed correctly.

to prevent hacking, you need to set up 2FA login authentication or white-list IPs of commonly used addresses, or set up CPHulk Brute Force Protection to be safe from hacking.