make error handler: How to use ignore for errors

Ignoreis an error handling option in that allows you to ignore an error andcontinue running your workflow. This option is designed so that if a particular action fails, it doesn’t affect subsequent actions or the entire workflow.


What does Ignore do?

  1. ignore and skip errors
    • if an error occurs, skip that action and run the next action.
  2. continue running the entire workflow
    • if an error occurs in a non-essential task, the main task or process is not interrupted.
  3. provide flexibility
    • if some failures in your workflow are acceptable, ignore them and process the remaining tasks.

When to useIgnore

When you should use Ignore:

  1. non-essential actions may fail
    • when the failure of a specific action does not affect the overall flow of the workflow.
    • examples: logging, sending non-essential notifications, etc.
  2. when only some of the multiple tasks are critical
    • when sending data to multiple platforms or services, and the rest of the task must continue to run even if an error occurs on a particular platform.
  3. ensuring workflow reliability
    • when you need to ensure that your entire workflow doesn’t break in the event of an error.
  4. when process continuity is important
    • situations where the workflow should continue even if some errors occur.
    • example: the main process completes even if an optional data update fails.
  5. test phase
    • used in initial setup or test scenarios where errors are likely to occur.

Examples of usingIgnore

example 1:When uploadingsocial media postsfails

  • situation: A workflow uploads a post to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
  • problem: The post fails due to a Facebook connection error.
  • What Ignore does
    • skip uploading the Facebook post, but publish normally to Twitter and Instagram.

example 2: Failure tosave logs

  • situation: Sending an email to a customer after saving the results of an API call as a log in your database.
  • problem: Database connection error while saving logs.
  • Ignore’s behavior
    • skip the log saving task, but execute the email sending task normally.

example 3: Data update fails, includingfile processing

  • situation: When uploading multiple files to an FTP server, some file uploads fail.
  • problem: Uploading certain files fails.
  • What Ignore does
    • ignore the failed file and continue uploading the rest of the files.

To set up Ignore

모듈 선택 오른쪽 버튼 클릭후 add error handler 클릭
  1. add an error handler
    • on the Edit Scenario screen, hover over the module where an error is likely to occur.
    • clickAdd error handler.
  2. Select Ignore
    • from the error handler options, select Ignore.
  3. save and test
    • save the scenario, and verify that the workflow continues to run when an error occurs.

Cautions for using Ignore

  1. don’t apply to critical jobs
    • we do not recommend using Ignore for critical jobs that require data integrity.
  2. leave an error log
    • even if you ignore an error, save a log or send a notification to an administrator so that you can track the error.
  3. check for dependent tasks
    • When using Ignore, make sure that the failure of that task doesn’t affect subsequent tasks.

Ignore at a glance

roleignore the error and continue running the workflow.
use caseswhen an error in a non-essential task should not affect the workflow as a whole.
examplessome social media uploads fail, logs fail to save, etc.
cautionsavoid using it on critical tasks, and save error logs so that you can track down the issue.

gNORE is a useful tool for maintaining continuity by ignoring errors andallowing workflows to continue running.It is effective when errors do not have a significant impact on the overall process, such as non-essential tasks or optional updates.It is not suitable for sensitive data or essential tasks, and should be used safely by tracking errors and recording the results.

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